

As an organisation working with children and young people in a variety of settings, we believe that:

The welfare and safeguarding of the child and young person is paramount

All children and young people, whatever their age, culture, disability, gender, language, racial origin, religious beliefs and /or sexual identity have the right to protection from maltreatment & abuse

All suspicions and allegations of maltreatment & abuse should be taken seriously and responded to swiftly & appropriately

Staff (paid and unpaid) should be trained on how to respond appropriately to child protection and safeguarding issues.

A copy of our Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy can be found here – Little Fish Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy

Supported by

Global Fund For Children CR logo National Lottery Community Funded Peabody Trust Logo Arts Council England HER Centre South East Children's University Southwark Council Royal Borough of Greenwich London Borough of Bexley Investors in People